新肯辛顿 awarded $25,000 from Arconic Foundation

Two women work with Hummingbird Duo robotics kit

Two teachers work with a Hummingbird Duo robotics kit during an 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 STEAM summer camp training held at Plum High School. 这些工具包只是美国广播公司(ABC)创建为14个成员学区的教育工作者提供的借阅库中众多技术和资源之一.

Credit: Rebecca Dietrich

宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. — Penn State 新肯辛顿 has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Arconic Foundation to create a new, out-of-classroom STEM (Science, 技术, 工程, Math) program specifically for local high school students. 该项目将由该校的数字创新实验室(digital innovation lab)和谷歌(google)合作开发 Digital Foundry at 新肯辛顿, and its K-12 collaborative, 美国广播公司(ABC)创建. 


“STEM教育和技能组合不仅为人们在许多领域满足当前和未来的人才需求做好准备, but are also considered vital to economic health,” said Sherri McCleary, executive director of the Digital Foundry. “While we will emphasize opportunities in STEM fields, we will also help participants hone essential skills like communication, 协作, problem-solving and personal branding, 我们将与Arconic和其他当地企业和行业合作,扩大对STEM领域机会和途径的理解.”


在最近的拨款过程中,新肯辛顿校区是21个获奖人之一. 非营利合作伙伴是根据Arconic基金会的资金优先级和当地需求选择的. Arconic基金会投资的项目是:创造技能建设学习经验, specifically within STEM; protect the world around us and ensure a sustainable future; help build a more equitable society that reflects the diversity of all people; and help people meet their basic needs, including food security, shelter and health.


“Arconic基金会正在建立我们在该地区的长期合作关系, working with both new and past nonprofit partners,” said Diana Toman, Arconic基金会总裁,Arconic执行副总裁兼首席法律官. “我们很感激有机会支持并与这些与我们有共同价值观的组织合作, demonstrate a deep commitment to the community, 并展示他们在改善服务对象生活的方法上的创新.” 


新项目的目标是应对工业4带来的教育挑战和机遇.0, 制造业专家使用的术语,标志着数字化转型引起的工业转变, 并继续开展与加强学生未来技能相关的校园区域项目和倡议, the workforce and Rust Belt communities.


“任何时候我们都可以提供机会,以学生在课堂上的经历为基础, 我们正在加强他们进一步探索和推进学习的机会,” explained Colleen Smith, STEAM outreach 协调员 at the 新肯辛顿 campus and 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 协调员. “业内专业人士将带来现实世界的经验和当前的用例,与学生和教育工作者分享. 我们将鼓励学生带着能动性和好奇心去学习, 教育工作者将获得内部意见,弥合教室和工作场所之间的差距.”


该计划将特别关注来自代表性不足人群的9 -12年级学生,并计划通过相关的STEAM体验以及与行业网络和未来机会的联系,将他们的课堂学习经验与现实世界的学习经验联系起来. The fall semester will be devoted to planning, developing and designing logistical elements and pedagogical strategies, 同时在当地学区和组织的帮助下招收学生. In the spring semester, students will come together on a monthly basis to engage in STEM activities, industry mentorship and professional career exploration and development. 最终的项目活动将是2022年初夏在新肯辛顿新建的数字铸造厂举行的为期一周的夏令营体验.


“通过与数字铸造厂及其雇主赞助商和合作伙伴合作, 我们将能够扩大我们对参与的高中生的影响,史密斯继续说. “免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校和美国广播公司(ABC)创建带来了对教与学的理解, and the Digital Foundry adds the real-world use cases for the learning. 另外, 与行业专业人士互动将有助于高中生获得洞察力, not only on a variety of potential STEAM careers, but also on the many pathways available to enter those careers.”


About the Digital Foundry at 新肯辛顿

The Digital Foundry at 新肯辛顿, currently being constructed along Fifth Avenue in 新肯辛顿, 宾西法尼亚, 将是15,044平方英尺的创新和制造实验室空间,旨在为制造业建立面向未来的意识和技能, K-16 education sector, current and future workforce and community members in Southwestern PA. 实验室收到 $5.5 million in funding from the Richard King Mellon Foundation, 以及免费mg不朽情缘试玩通过经济发展匹配计划提供的100万美元匹配礼物, an initiative of its current campaign, “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence.这是免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校和威斯特摩兰经济增长中心的合作成果, the foundry’s mission is to drive the growth of ideas, learning and problem solving through application of digital technologies. Stay up-to-date with the Digital Foundry at DigitalFoundryNK.com.


该项目成立于2014年,旨在为校园内的学区提供一种合作方式,将技术和基于项目的学习结合起来, 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 已经发展成为一个由来自14个学区的数百名教育工作者组成的社区,共同学习和成长,为成千上万的学生提供机会,为快速变化的世界做好准备. Coordinated by Penn State 新肯辛顿, the effort also includes partnerships with the Grable Foundation, the Arconic Foundation and the Community Robotics, 卡内基梅隆大学机器人研究所的教育和技术授权实验室(CREATE Lab). Since its inception, 该合作组织继续加强其工作,为区域教育工作者提供培训机会, tools and best-practices. In 2019, 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 was awarded a PAsmart Advancing Grant through the 宾西法尼亚 Governor's office to further its work, 同时与校园对创新的日益关注保持一致, entrepreneurship and related essential skill sets to K-12 students, industry and communities in the Alle-Kiski Valley region.




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